+49 (0)172 - 891 71 33 jochen-lill@web.de

Publications / Press

Über den Rücken - Reiten, Therapie und Vorbeugung

Jochen Lill has been working as a successful equine physiotherapist for many years. He successfully competed in eventing competitions up to the highest level. Thanks to his longstanding and well-founded training in diverse areas such as physiotherapy and osteopathy, and his knowledge of saddling and shoeing, he is the ideal partner and therapist for your horse.

Clarissa Busch holds the Pferdewirt qualification for riding and has herself enjoyed many successful years in the saddle across all classes and riding styles. She teaches competition riders and trains young horses to become serious competitors. She has been working as a competition judge for many years. She has already successfully published a number of books on horses, including “Die Hilfengebung des Reiters” (“A rider’s commands”) and “Was der Dressurrichter sehen will” (“What the dressage judge wants to see”).

Alongside the classic training, they have both spent many years focusing on therapy for horses with back injuries, as well the prevention of back problems.
A horse’s back is the basis for riding: the rider sits on it, it enables the horse to swing, and without it, nothing works properly. Is it a coincidence that more and more horses today are walking, trotting and galloping stiffly, firmly and often also unevenly, i.e. out of rhythm?

Is there a connection between modern, flexibly-swinging sport horses with huge movement potential and the increasing occurrence of back problems? Or is that just a coincidence?

Are the horses and their backs more fragile today?
Or are they not ridden so well nowadays?
How does one ride correctly on the back?
Which areas need to be examined if
back problems exist?
The saddle, the muscles, the teeth, the hoof positioning?
What do we need to look out for?

All these questions are answered in detail
in this book.